Using feature flags in GraphQL Sep 10, 2024 Utilising Directives to safeguard new code in production via GraphQL ...
A feature flag PSA Sep 29, 2023 Feature flags are amazing, but can also bite you in the ass - mostly a reminder to myself. ...
Migrating Your Design System to Jetpack Compose Part 4: Stakeholder Retro Apr 3, 2023 Kind-of-sort-of about Compose, but not really. How to keep stakeholders up to date, teams motivated, and get buy-in to tackle tech-debt. ...
Things you can do in Android Studio Jun 18, 2022 A disorganised list of the features in Android Studio/IntelliJ that keep me productive ...
On Interviewing Nov 24, 2021 Some study tips and advice for the DS&A interview loop - here's what worked for me. ...
MockWebServer + HTTPS Sep 11, 2021 Recently, I had to setup MockWebServer to run in tests using HTTPS. Here's some notes about how it works. ...
A Cautionary Tale Jun 5, 2021 In the wake of the ultimate @here, a reminder to never test notifications in production. ...