Introducing the Activity Result APIs Mar 22, 2020 Digging into the new Activity Result APIs recently introduced in AndroidX ...
Scripting file templates for Android Studio Mar 10, 2020 Add templates to your GitHub repo to share them with your team, and provide a simple script for installing them. ...
Jetpack Compose - now on Maven Oct 14, 2019 The much hyped Jetpack Compose was recently pushed to Maven - here's a brief blog on how to use it. ...
The Android Skeleton Project Sep 25, 2019 Recently, I've spent a bit of time building a skeleton project which I can base others off of. This post explains why I made it, and why you should make one too. ...
MVI - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Jul 24, 2019 MVI, or Redux as it's known on web, is a trendy view architecture pattern right now. It's easily my favourite approach - but there's a few drawbacks that I can see - this post explores some pros and cons. ...
Easy Augmentation with Decorators in Kotlin Jun 1, 2019 Sometimes we have to add additional functionality to a class but would rather not touch the original - or perhaps we don't have control over it. Kotlin allows us to add new functionality easily. ...
Hugo, Firebase Hosting and CircleCI Apr 28, 2019 I bought a .dev site the day they became available on Google Domains, and decided to build a website using Hugo + Firebase Hosting, deployed via CircleCI. Here's a brief guide on how to do the same. ...